Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welcome to my blog.

I am finally doing this. I am writing a blog. Hopefully I can keep up and make at least one post a day. We will see. Enough about that. I am going to tell you about our family.

I (April) am 31 and have been happily married to my high school sweetheart for 10 years and he (Noel) is 33. I have always known that I wanted children but I have also known from a young age that the odds were stacked against me. We tried fertility treatments for three years with out any success. We then decided on adoption. This was not a hard decision because both of us really want to be parents. Though I had always wondered how well Noel would connect to a child that was not his biologically.

We knew a family that was having a child that would need lots of love and special care. The baby has Hypo-plastic left heart syndrome. Better known as HLHS. Which meant that the left side of his heart did not fully develop and he would need 3 surgeries. The first one being the day after he was born. We were asked if we would adopt him and of course we said YES. That day changed our lives forever.

I cannot go into a whole lot of detail about all of that just yet but maybe after things are final I will be able to.

In this blog I am going to be talking about the struggles of adopting, HLHS, being a parent and working. I am still trying to figure all this out.

I hope that you enjoy reading this plus hopefully I can help someone deal with the reality of HLHS. It is a bumpy road but I would not have it any other way.

Thanks for reading.

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